About Slotted Weights
Slotted Weights are used in a variety of applications such as pressure, torque, and tensile strength testing. Cast Iron Slotted Weights are typically used with a hanger that also has its weight calibrated so the hanger can be used as part of the overall weight under test.
We are Leading Exporter of Slotted Weights from India. We Export Slotted Weights in Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Botswana, Canada, Cyprus, Eswatini, France, Germany, Ghana, Ireland, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Malta, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, New Zealand, Netherland, Oman, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and USA.
Slotted Weights Model Details
It is a cylindrical weight with a radial slot to permit it to be applied on a counterpoise hanger. Slotted Weights are used in a variety of applications such as pressure, torque and tensile strength testing. These are typically used with a hanger that also has its weight calibrated so the hanger can be used as part of the overall weight under test. Several slotted Weights may be used together to build up from a minimum weight to maximum test load. The hanger weight will be able to accommodate the total load needed. SWPI’s Cast Iron Slotted Weights are manufactured from high quality cast iron that meets ANSI/ASTM E617 hardness requirements and are free of cracks, pits and sharp edges. There is adjusting cavity in each weight adjusted with lead on the underside of the weight. Weights are protected by a durable coat of paint to protect the casting from rusting. Weights 5kg and above are provided with under cut on opposite ends to aid in lifting.

Slotted Weights
Slotted weights are cylindrical weights with a radial slot that allow them to be placed on a hanger. They are used for testing pressure, torque, and tensile strength. The hanger also has a calibrated weight and can be used as part of the overall weight under test. Several slotted weights can be used together to build up the desired test load.
We manufacture Slotted Weights ranging from 100g to 20kg and in Newton from 1N to 200N. Hanger is made ranging from 500g to 5kg and 5N to 50N. Holding capacity of the Hanger is generally from 10kg to 100kg. The value of Newton may be taken as on the place of their use as advised by buyer.