About Us
SWPI have been engaged in manufacturing exclusively Weights since 1961.The scenario of the world is changing very rapidly due to revolutionary development in the field of Science & Technology. It has brought a marked change in the requirement of quality weights of various specifications, shapes, sizes, designs, accuracy class etc.
OIML – the apex body of Weights & Measures – had issued its first Int’l Recommendation for weights vide IR No. 1 & 2 in 1968 and SWPI started manufacturing weights according to the said Recommendation in 1972. The sample of their weights were submitted to the OIML, who appreciated the same vide their message dated 3rd August, 1973.
Not only that, OIML have also recognised SWPI as one of the suppliers of Cast Iron Weights and had published their name under the heading of suppliers of Cast Iron Weights of OIML ( or Other) specifications in their Guides issued in mars, 1987 ( page 55 FOURNISSEURS d’ EQUIPMENT de CERTIFICATION ). SWPI’s metric weights have traceability with BIPM, Paris (France).
The photographs shown in their catalogue are only of those weights which are in our regular range of production but we have the capacity to manufacture weights ranging from 50g to 1000kg and 4 oz to 2000 lb a piece of any specification. Due to consistent quality and performance, SWPI has been honoured at many occasions at the Zonal, National & International Levels.
Our article “Suggestions to improve iron weights of OIML R47 and R52″has been published in OIML Bulletin Volume XLIX, Numbers 2-3, July – October 2008. In the 44th CIML Meeting held in Mombassa, Kenya from 26th – 31st October, 2009, in recognition of our excellent contribution to Legal Metrology in the developing country, the OIML has issued a Letter of Appreciation.
Accuracy in Weighing Systems throughout the world is SWPI’s Moto.