Test Weights
As per OIML R-111-1
100 g to 10 kg
Cylindrical shape
Model No. SWPI-5-17
5 kg to 50 kg Rectangular shape
Adjusting cavity on top
Model No. SWPI-1-4(a)
Adjusting cavity in Handle
Model No. SWPI-1-4(c)
As per BIS
50 g to 2 kg Hexagonal shape
Model No. SWPI : 52-56
5 kg to 50 kg Hexagonal shape
Model No. SWPI : 48-51
As per B.O.T
100 g to 2 kg Hexagonal shape
Model No. SWPI : 21-25
5 kg to 50 kg Rectangular shape
Model No. SWPI : 18-20
As per S.A.B.S
5 kg to 50 kg Rectangular shape
adjusting cavity at bottom
Model No. SWPI : 1-4(b)
100 kg to 1000 kg Rectangular shape
Adjusting cavity at side wall
Model No. SWPI-187
Standard Weights
As per OIML R-47
100 kg to 1000 kg Rectangular shape
Model No. SWPI : 26-27(a)
100 kg to 1000 kg Cylindrical shape
Model No. SWPI : 26-27 ( d )
As per our suggestion published in OIML bulletin of Standard Weights
100 kg to 1000 kg I - shape suitable for Fork-lifting
Model No. SWPI : 26-27 ( c )
100 kg to 1000 kg Cylindrical shape with handle suitable for lifting & rolling
Model No. SWPI : 26-27 ( b )
Fabricated Standard Weights
fit with channel for forklifting
Model No. SWPI : 181-183
fit with legs for stacking
Model No. SWPI : 189
Slotted Weights with Hanger
Slotted Weights
100 g to 20 kg and 1 N to 200 N
Model No. SWPI : 87-93
Roller Weights
200kg, 250kg & 500kg
Model No. SWPI : 168-170
Cylindrical Weights
as per Schengener States
100 g to 10 kg
Model No. SWPI : 171-176
as per OIML R-52 Hexagonal Weights
100 g to 20 kg
Model No. SWPI : 137-145
Avoirdupois Weights
1/4 oz to 4lb
Model No. SWPI : 125-133
7lb to 56 lb
Model No. SWPI : 60-63
Bell Weights
5 g to 500 g
Model No. SWPI : 47
Proportional Weights
Ratio 100:1 & 50:1
Model No. SWPI : 136
Calibration of Weights
Calibration of Weighing Scale and Balance
Sample Calibration Certificate
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